Next aF4 Drop: March 2025!


Welcome to our self-help, troubleshooting guide. We'll provide you with solutions to some of the most common issues with the aF4.

Below are some quick solutions to problems you may encounter with the aF4.

My aF4 is brand new and it doesn't feed. Water doesn't appear to be cycling through the system.

This can be caused by the aF4 being out of service for a period of time (30+ days) and is especially common with brand new aF4s. The technical term for it is "stiction".

The solution is quite simple!
1. Empty any food that may be in the reservoir and replace the reservoir in the aF4.
2. Insert both the gray tube and black tube into water (at least 12oz).
3. Press and hold "Auto Clean" until you hear the solenoids clicking (about 10 seconds).

This process will solve the stiction problem nearly 100% of the time.

To test if you've beaten the stiction issue, lift the gray tube from the water and press "Feed Now" on the aF4. After a moment, water should be flowing from the gray tubing.

If you still have no flow, repeat steps 2 and 3.

Click Here For a Video Demonstration

The aF4 is not powering on.

1. Unplug the power supply from the aF4.
2. Wait 10 seconds.
3. Plug in the power to the aF4 and power on.

Still nothing?
Repeat steps 1-3.

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